Ingredient Spotlight: Retinol

In this edition of Ingredient Spotlight, we're here to discuss one of the most talked-about ingredients in the skincare community: Retinol.

Retinol, just like many other ingredients, can be tricky to add to your already made skincare routine, but here is a simple guide we laid out for you to make things slightly easier:

Disclaimer: before adding any new chemicals into your skincare routine, please consult a licensed professional!


What is Retinol?

Before we can explain Retinol, we must first go over Retinoids. Retinoids are byproducts of vitamin A, a fat-soluble ingredient found in food and dietary supplements. 

Retinol is a converted, active form of Retinoids namely retinoic acid. Retinol seems to be quite new to the market and has various levels of severity which is why there are a lot of questions surrounding the benefits of this popular ingredient.

Benefits of Using Retinol

One of the most common reasons for using Retinol is its anti-aging effects. When used properly, it helps with reducing current fine lines and wrinkles and prevents new ones from appearing on the skin.

Moreover, Retinol improves the overall appearance of dull skin by exfoliating on a cellular level, which ultimately brightens and smooths your skin. It's also an anti-bacterial which is good for fighting acne-prone skin.

When to Use Retinol

Of course, when picking out your first Retinol product, it is always best to consult with a licensed dermatologist to ensure the safety of your skin! Once acquired and depending on the strength of the product, the usage will vary. 

Some dermatologists would recommend starting using it 2-3x a week. Then your skin becomes used to the chemical, you can begin using it every day, again depending on the strength of the product. At a very low dose, you can still reap the same results in the long run: youthful, dewy skin.

However, never use your vitamin C products with your retinol products in the same routine as it can cause irritation and dry out the skin, ultimately reversing the anti-aging effects you want to see. Instead, use your vitamin C products during your morning routine and your retinol products during your evening routine for benefits!

Beware that when starting retinol your skin will go through what we call skin purging. This will typically last around 2-6 weeks, where the debris and oil that is trapped under your skin comes to the surface, and the cell turnover increases.

But don't worry! Once your skin finishes purging, you will see the benefits retinol promises to provide. 


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